Entire pallets of produce and bakery are available to partners at Half Shared Maintenance. These pallets come “as is” and are not custom-picked by the host agency. We receive new produce and bakery items 5 days a week, and your pallet will be reserved from the produce that comes in the day before your desired pickup day.
If you would like to reserve an entire pallet of produce or bakery items, the reservation needs to be made at least 2 business days in advance of desired pickup time.
- Remember, the Food Bank is open to partners Monday-Thursday between 9 am and 3 pm. Pallets of bakery and produce are also available for pickup on Fridays from 9-3, but other items are not available that day.
- Please direct any questions about this program to Gloria Hollins at 256-539-2256×104 or Lee Moragues at 256-539-2256×105.

Full pallet of bakery items.

Full pallet of produce.