Our Programs

We take a two fold approach to end hunger in North Alabama.

First, we offer hunger relief programs that immediately feed hungry people in need.

Second, we address hunger’s root causes through local food initiatives that foster entrepreneurship and healthy food access..

Park-It Market: Bringing Fresh Food to Communities in Need

Fueling Futures: Weekend Food Backpacks for Hungry Kids

Farm Food Collaborative

FFC: Growing local farms, economy, and healthy communities.

School Pantries

Empowering Students: Stocked Pantries for Stronger Schools

Sign for The Food Bank of North Alabama Market

Direct Service Pantry

FBNA Market: A Choice Pantry Serving Vernon Avenue Families

Picture of the Shoals Branch warehouse

Shoals Branch

Expanding Hope: Shoals Branch Fights Hunger in Northwest Alabama

Hunger Summit

Hunger Summit: Uniting North Alabama to End Food Insecurity